Tuesday, September 8, 2015

News for the Week

Kindergarten News
Week of Sep.8th-12th, 2015

Mark your calendar for Back To School Night!  It will be Thursday, Sep.17th.  This is a parent only evening.  Grades PK-2 will meet from  5:30-6:30 p.m  in your child’s classroom.

We have had our library orientation and your child will be bringing home a library book once a week.  Please return books by Monday each week. 

Also, this week your child will receive a reading incentive log.  Start completing this at home and send it back each Monday starting Monday, September 14th, as well.  We will turn them into the librarian and she will promptly return them to us.  Please do not store this log in the folder, as it can get lost.  Keep it at home until each Monday. You must have the log complete by Friday, October 30th.  Thank you very much…the children that meet the reading goal of 15 minutes per night will attend a reading celebration in December.  Therefore, you won’t want your child to miss the fun.  So, start logging those books!

Remember all transportation changes need to be in writing to your teacher by noon. If your child is absent, you need to email the school.  If your child is absent and attends an after school daycare (CAP or Crème), you need to let the daycare know, as well. 

If you have not returned your picture order form, please do so ASAP.  Individual school pictures will be THIS Thursday.  This is the photo for the yearbook.

Have you completed the PTA Big Form?  The last day to do so is Friday!

This week we will explore the following:

Theme: I am a Learner!
Reading:  Shared reading and Interactive read-alouds of books that focus on the alphabet!  Our focus will continue to be on making connections as we enjoy the text. We will use what we know as we ask and answer questions!
Writing:  We will continue with King and Queen of the Day and list writing.  This week we will explore apples using our 5 senses.  We will make class lists and stories about apples.  Children will create, write about, and share their own apple!

Word Wall Words:  Our friends’ names in our class, as well as:  my, is, like

Word Study: We will focus on the letter sounds of B and M.

Math: Our focus this week will be on: sorting, graphing, and shapes.  

Science: What is a scientist?  What tools does a scientist use, and how does he/she stay safe? How do scientist use their senses to make obsesrvations? We will use our five senses to think and act like a scientist.
Social Studies:  We will continue to explore our roles in our homes and our classroom, as well as that of helpers in our community. We will explore why we need rules.

Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
·       Monday:  Try to find triangles around your house!
·       Tuesday: Smell what is cooking for dinner.  Make a list of what you smell.
·       Wednesday:  Count your socks!
·       Thursday:  Make a list of 3 words that start with B and 3 words that start with M!
·       Friday: Bring back your library books and have a great weekend!

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