Friday, November 21, 2014


I am not sure if their stuff will make it home on this very rainy day so here are a couple pics.  

Gotta let them do a silly one!

Happy Thanksgiving

We are finishing off the week as Indians.  We will be making indian vests, pattern necklaces and headbands today. Here are some indians we made yesterday and finished off this morning. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving Program

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our little pilgrims today.  They did a fantastic job...and looked cute too!  Special thanks to the moms who helped set up their feast!!  

"Bang Bang"   "Mercy Me"

Monday, November 17, 2014


Kindergarten News
Week of Nov.17th-21st, 2014
We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 19th  for a Thanksgiving program.  Please come a little before 10:00 to sign in at the office.  Then come to the cafeteria for our program.  Our program will begin at 10:00!  Afterwards, the children will have a feast.  Please join your child for this special time. Thank you to those that sent in a $5.00 donation.

Theme: Fall and Thanksgiving!
Reading:  This week we will continue to enjoy fall and Thanksgiving stories!  We will identify characters, setting, and problem.  We will retell using story arcs.  We will continue to utilize the cognitive skill of mental imaging while listening to stories.  This skill will help us add details to our writing!
Writing:  This week we will make literacy connections to Thanksgiving stories while using these stories as a basis for our own individual book making/writing. The children will focus on use of capitals, periods, and appropriate spacing as we write about Pilgrims, Native American, and traditions!  We will continue to add details to make our writing more interesting.  We will also use letter sound knowledge to make lists.  For example, we will make a list of what we want to eat on Thanksgiving!

Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, the, in, you, on, a, is, to, can, it, and, see, like, he, she, NEW WORDS FOR THE WEEK:  an, of
Word Study: We will review all consonant sounds this week.
Math: During math workshop, we will continue to collect/read data, measure (length and width), create/extend patterns, create numeral sets, count aloud to 65 and back/forth to 20, and problem solve. We will to explore ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.). 
Social Studies:  The First Thanksgiving
ScienceContinue Magnets

Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Write a list of what you are thankful for J 
  • Tuesday: Line up ten toys.  Tell your mom what is first, second, third, etc. 

  • Wednesday:  Visit 
  • Thursday:  Write a list of what you want your family to make for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Friday:  Return your library books and practice your home reader!

Friday, November 14, 2014


We have been working on graphing this week in Math.  Each day we discussed how to tally, then graph information in a bar graph or pictograph, and then to collect data from our graph.  
We surveyed our friends and tallied their answers.  Then we turned our tallies into a bar graph and wrote about what we learned.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast

  You are invited to a
Thanksgiving Program & Feast
on Wednesday, November 19, 2014
at 10:00 a.m., in the cafeteria.

Please allow time to stop in at the office   and receive a visitor’s badge.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pattern Block Turkeys

Today for math we made turkeys using pattern blocks.  When we finished we counted up the different shapes we used to make our turkey feathers.  Some were really creative!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Holiday Gift Books at Scholastic

Here is the link for the flyer if you are interested in ordering books.  


Kindergarten News
Week of Nov.10th-14th, 2014
We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 19th  for a Thanksgiving program.  Stop in the office for a visitor’s sticker and then come at 10:00 to the cafeteria.  Afterwards your child will enjoy a feast…details to follow.  Please join your child for this special time! The weather will turn colder this week...label those jackets with your child's name!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you!!

Theme: Fall and Thanksgiving!
Reading:  This week we will continue to enjoy fall and Thanksgiving stories!  We will identify characters, setting, and problem.  We will retell using story arcs.  We will continue to utilize the cognitive skill of mental imaging while listening to stories.  This skill will help us add details to our writing!
Writing:  This week we will make literacy connections to Thanksgiving stories while using these stories as a basis for our own individual book making/writing. The children will focus on use of capitals, periods, and appropriate spacing as we write about turkeys!  We will continue to add details to make our writing more interesting.  This week we will write about fall, Thanksgiving traditions, and other stories from our lives. We will also use letter sound knowledge to make lists.  For example, we will make a list of what we want to eat on Thanksgiving!
Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, I, can, a, see, to, and, it, my, is, he, she, the NEW WORDS FOR THE WEEK:  GO, IN, YOU
Word Study:  We will focus on the sounds of V and Q, as well as review all of the consonant sounds taught so far
Math: During math workshop, we will continue to measure (length and width), create/extend patterns, create numeral sets, count aloud to 65 and back/forth to 20, and problem solve. We will to explore ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.).  We will focus on more and less.
Social Studies:  The First Thanksgiving
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Ask your family what their favorite Thanksgiving Food is- tally the results 
  • Tuesday: Write sentences using GO, YOU, and IN 

  • Wednesday:  Visit 
  • Thursday:  Have your mom say a number! Can you tell her what is one more?  How about one less?
  • Friday:  Return your library books and practice your home reader!  

Friday, November 7, 2014


Here's some math and science we did this week!  Don't forget to look for your child's new home reader bag in their backpack and please send it back Monday. 
I gave the kids a number and they had to write the tally marks on their white board.  Practice these at home.  They can count and object and then draw how many with tally marks. 

We have been exploring  magnets all week.  We did this project to show what we learned is magnetic and not magnetic.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014


We tallied how many times we rolled the numbers 1-6 with a dice today in math.  Most of our friends seemed to understand the concept.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Home Readers

Our home reader bags have arrived!  Yay!  Look for your child's this Friday in their backpack so they can read to you this weekend.  Please remember to return the bag and books on Monday.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Field Trip Fun!

We had a great day at Blessington Farms!  If you haven't been you should check it out.  We had a little rain and the kids are nice and dirty, but it was fun.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tally Marks

Today in math we practiced using tally marks.  We do them each day in our class with our question of the day, but today the kids got to do them with a partner while doing a math game.  

Kindergarten News

Kindergarten News
Week of Nov.3-7, 2014
We are so excited for our field trip to the farm tomorrow!  Send your child in a RCE shirt if possible.  Watch the weather and send a jacket or sweatshirt, if need be.  Your child can tie it around his or her waist if they get hot.  You know what your child is most comfortable wearing- that is what matters!  Send your child in tennis shoes and with a sack lunch in a large Ziploc bag.  Label the bag with your child’s name.  They will need a drink in their lunch.  If you are a chaperone, please refer to the email that came this morning with specifics.  Thank you!!

Theme: Fall and Thanksgiving!
Reading:  This week we will enjoy fall and Thanksgiving stories!  We will identify characters, setting, and problem.  We will retell using picture cards.  We will continue to utilize the cognitive skill of mental imaging while listening to stories.  This skill will help us add details to our writing!
Writing:  This week we will make literacy connections to Thanksgiving stories while using these stories as a basis for our own individual book making/writing! We will focus on use of capitals, periods, and appropriate spacing as we write.  We will continue to add details to make our writing more interesting.  This week we will write about fall, apples, Thanksgiving traditions, and other stories from our lives.
Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, I, can, a, see, to, and, it, is, my, like, on, NEW WORDS FOR THE WEEK:  he, she
Word Study: We will focus on the sounds of X, Y and Z.
Math: During math workshop, we will continue to measure (length and width), explore ordinal numbers, create/extend patterns, create numeral sets, count aloud to 60, and problem solve. We will work with number wallets to build number sense. This week we will begin to explore data collection, specifically tally marks.
Social Studies:  Thanksgiving traditions
Science:  Energy
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Make a list of X, Y and/or Z words. 
  • Tuesday: Put your favorite toys in a line. Now, describe what is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. 

  • Wednesday: visit
  • Thursday:  Teach your mom or dad how to make tally marks!
  • Friday:  Return your library books and practice your home reader!