Monday, November 17, 2014


Kindergarten News
Week of Nov.17th-21st, 2014
We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 19th  for a Thanksgiving program.  Please come a little before 10:00 to sign in at the office.  Then come to the cafeteria for our program.  Our program will begin at 10:00!  Afterwards, the children will have a feast.  Please join your child for this special time. Thank you to those that sent in a $5.00 donation.

Theme: Fall and Thanksgiving!
Reading:  This week we will continue to enjoy fall and Thanksgiving stories!  We will identify characters, setting, and problem.  We will retell using story arcs.  We will continue to utilize the cognitive skill of mental imaging while listening to stories.  This skill will help us add details to our writing!
Writing:  This week we will make literacy connections to Thanksgiving stories while using these stories as a basis for our own individual book making/writing. The children will focus on use of capitals, periods, and appropriate spacing as we write about Pilgrims, Native American, and traditions!  We will continue to add details to make our writing more interesting.  We will also use letter sound knowledge to make lists.  For example, we will make a list of what we want to eat on Thanksgiving!

Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, the, in, you, on, a, is, to, can, it, and, see, like, he, she, NEW WORDS FOR THE WEEK:  an, of
Word Study: We will review all consonant sounds this week.
Math: During math workshop, we will continue to collect/read data, measure (length and width), create/extend patterns, create numeral sets, count aloud to 65 and back/forth to 20, and problem solve. We will to explore ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.). 
Social Studies:  The First Thanksgiving
ScienceContinue Magnets

Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Write a list of what you are thankful for J 
  • Tuesday: Line up ten toys.  Tell your mom what is first, second, third, etc. 

  • Wednesday:  Visit 
  • Thursday:  Write a list of what you want your family to make for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Friday:  Return your library books and practice your home reader!

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