Today for quiet literacy we closed the blinds and read in the dark w our finger flashlights. They loved it and were very quiet!
Friday, May 19, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Kindergarten News
Week of May 15-19,
Tuesday, May 16th – Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A on
Dairy Ashford. Grab dinner from Chick-Fil-A (either dine in or drive
thru), turn in your receipt to the box provided at the restaurant, and RCE gets
a percentage of the cost of your order. You get an easy dinner, RCE gets
some cool cash. Everyone wins!
Friday, May 26th - On graduation day, please dress
your child in an RCE shirt and plain bottoms (jeans or shorts), and keep the
girls’ hair simple (no pony tails or pig tails) so that caps go on
easily. Graduation is coming fast! Thanks to all who have sent in
money for graduation caps and tassels. We are practicing our program and
can’t wait for you to see it.
Please return ALL library and home reader books for
inventory. We continue to do end of the year testing, as well!
It is time to order school supplies for next year. Go to Type in
Rummel Creek Elementary. Choose your child’s grade for NEXT year!
Theme: Ocean
Reading: We continue our unit of study on the ocean.
Our shared reading and interactive read-alouds will focus on the ocean and the
animals living there.
Writing: Our writing will also center on oceans and ocean
animals. We will use our prior knowledge and
new learning about ocean animals/experiences to write both fiction and
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out,
down, then, do, they, of
Word Study: We’ll revisit some old consonant blends
(st, sp, sl) and add some new ones to our list.
Math: We continue to work on problem solving,
addition/subtraction using a variety of methods. We’ll also talk about
the idea of doubles (1+1, 2+2), and we’ll review counting to larger numbers.
Science: Continue with Ocean
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
· Tuesday:
Make up a problem to go with this solution: 8 Starfish. Example there were 4
starfish and 4 more came along. How many starfish are there now?
· Wednesday:
Make a list of 10 magic e words. Can you spell and read them?
Ex: cake, bake, ride, hope, etc.
· Thursday:
Write 3 facts about your favorite ocean animal we have learned about so far!
· Friday:
Return any books to the library and/or your teacher.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Kindergarten News
Week of May 1-5,
It is time to order school supplies for next year. Go to Type in
Rummel Creek Elementary and choose your child’s grade for NEXT year!
Mark your calendars for Kindergarten graduation on Friday, May
26th at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. This year
we have ordered caps and tassels for the children to wear for graduation.
The children will get to keep the caps as a memento of their kindergarten
year. The cost for the cap and tassel is $6.00. Please send exact
cash to school no later than Friday, May 12th.
Theme: Mothers Day
Reading: Our shared reading and interactive
read-alouds will be all about mothers and how much they do for us.
Writing: Writing will focus on all things we
appreciate about our moms.
Word Wall Words: REVIEW: red,
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out,
down, then, do, they, of
Word Study: review long
vowel sounds
Math: Our work with subtraction continues. We
will use a variety of strategies (counting back, number lines, ten frames,
concrete materials), to find what works best for each individual. We’ll
practice problem solving and draw pictures to illustrate the math sentence we
Science: Continuing our study of cycles, we look at the
cycle of night and day.
Studies: We continue our comparison of life long ago with life today.
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
· Monday:
Practice saying the sounds long vowels make. Can you make a list of at 5
of each sound?
· Tuesday:
Use a story at home to practice “retelling” the plot and characters of a book.
· Wednesday:
Play Take Away 1 or 2. If you can’t remember, you each get 15 pieces of
cereal. Take turns taking away 1 or 2 (you decide!). First one to get rid of
all of their cereal is the winner. If you don’t play with cereal, you can play
with any small pieces of junk!
· Friday:
Pack up your library books!
Friday, April 28, 2017
We started subtraction this week in math. We played disappearing train with cubes and did am activity with cookie crisp. Your child can practice subtraction at home w snacks or toys.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Kindergarten News
Week of April 24-
April 28, 2017
The library will be closing in a few weeks, so it’s time to
start searching for “lost” library books. Some of us have quite a few
checked out. J Send them any day this
It is time to order school supplies for next year. Go to Type
in Rummel Creek Elementary. Choose your child’s grade for NEXT year!
Mark your calendar for Kindergarten graduation on Friday, May 26th,
at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. More information to come!
Theme: More Insects!
Reading: Our shared reading and interactive
read-alouds about insects will finish up this week. We are practicing
using good vocabulary to describe the attributes of insects. Ask your
child to sing you the song about the parts of an insect! We will begin
our end of the year literacy testing this week, as well.
Writing: We will
combine our prior knowledge with new learning about insects for fiction and
non-fiction writing.
Word Wall Words: REVIEW: red,
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out,
down, then, do, they, of
Word Study: review all short vowel
Math: Review measurement-comparing weight, height,
length, and capacity using nonstandard units of measurement. We will introduce
subtraction this week, as well.
Science: Our work with cycles in nature continues will
wrap up this week.
Social studies: We will compare
life today with life long ago.
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
· Monday: Ask an
older adult (grandma or grandpa would be great!) about school jobs, or
transportation, or games that were common they were in kindergarten.
· Tuesday:
Use your home reader to practice “retelling” the plot and characters of a
book. Be sure to include details from the beginning, middle and end!
· Wednesday:
Teach your mom or dad to play Take Away 1 or 2. If you can’t remember,
you each get 15 pieces of cereal. Take turns taking away 1 or 2 (you decide!).
First one to get rid of all of their cereal is the winner. If you don’t play
with cereal, you can play with any small pieces of junk!
· Friday:
Pack up your library books and practice your home reader!
Friday, April 21, 2017
Butterfly Life cycle
I forgot to post yesterday but wanted to share. We were learning about the life cycle of the butterfly. We drew it on a paper plate and then had a snack to go with it.
Watercolor Butterflies and Field Day
Today was a busy fun filled day. We spent some time watercoloring butterflies this morning and then writing facts we've learned about them. Then onto a fun filled your and a half of field day activities. It was an exciting and exhausting day.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Kindergarten News
Week of April 17-
April 21, 2017
This week on FRIDAY, we will have our school wide Field
Day. Please feel free to come join the fun! We will have lunch as
usual at 11:30, then go straight to the field for fun activities at
12:00. Our time outside will end at 12:50.
School Supplies for the 2017-2018 school year are on sale now
through School Tool Box! You can order your child’s school supplies at between now and June 23rd to have it delivered to the
school. Check the Flash for more information!
As the weather heats up, we go back to warm weather
clothes. Please be sure to check the length of shorts and skirts;
fingertips should not touch skin when arms are at the kids’ sides. Please
have girls wear bike shorts under their skirt or dress! Spaghetti straps
and backless tops are cute, but not really appropriate for school. Also,
be sure there is always a light jacket or sweater in the backpack. Even when it
is warm outside, the classrooms can be chilly.
Theme: Insects
Reading: Our shared reading and interactive
read-alouds will continue to tell about insects and their needs. Our skill
focus will be on the elements of non-fiction writing.
Writing: We will combine our prior knowledge with
new learning about plants and insects to write both
fiction and non-fiction.
Word Wall Words: REVIEW: red,
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out,
down, then, do
Math: We will continue to explore measurement.
Our focus will be on comparing (taller/shorter, heavier/lighter, holds
more/holds less, and longer/shorter).
Science: We will look at cycles in nature including
life cycles and the cycle of day and night.
Social Studies: We will spend
the next few weeks reviewing some social skills. This week, we’ll
practice giving our best effort on work and getting along with others.
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
· Monday: Pick 5
word wall words. Write a sentence for each. Practice using finger
spaces between words, a capital letter at the beginning and a punctuation mark
at the end.
· Tuesday:
Use a book to practice “retelling” the plot. Be sure to include the
characters by name. If you need a book, log onto
· Wednesday:
Choose 5 things from the pantry. Put them in order from lightest to
· Thursday:
Do a surprise act of kindness for someone in your family. Be ready to
tell about it in class tomorrow!
· Friday:
Pack up your library books and practice your home reader!
Monday, April 10, 2017
Kindergarten News
Week of April 10-
April 14, 2017
were great! We enjoyed having the opportunity to talk with you about your
child’s progress.
field trip to MMS for Beauty and the Beast is Tuesday, April 11th.
Please return all permission forms and admission fees ASAP!
April 14th is a holiday for Good Friday. There will be no
April 21st, we will have our school wide Field Day. Please
feel free to come join the fun. Although we haven’t received the official
schedule, we will have an altered scheduled and will probably not have lunch at
the regular time.
Theme: Insects
Our shared reading and interactive read-alouds will cover insects and their
needs, with focus on the elements of non-fiction writing.
We will use what we’ve learned about plants and
insects to write both fiction and non-fiction.
Word Wall Words:
REVIEW: red,
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out,
Measurement (length, height, weight, capacity). We will address what
measurement is and our focus will be on comparing (taller/shorter,
heavier/lighter, holds more/holds less, and longer/shorter).
We will finish up animal adaptations. We’ll create our own animal and
classify them by different attributes.
Homework: Read 20
minutes every night.
- Monday: Practice writing the word
wall words as mom or dad calls them out to you.
- Tuesday: Make a list of 3
animals with feathers and 3 with fur. Draw a picture of one and
write a sentence about it.
- Wednesday:
Order your family by height. TELL about it. Mom is taller than
Sally. I am shorter than Dad. Etc.
- Thursday: Use
a book to practice “retelling” the plot. Be sure to include the
characters by name. If you need a book, log onto
- Friday: Pack up your library
books and practice your home reader!
Monday, April 3, 2017
Week of
April 3-7,2017
School Supplies for the 2017-2018 school year are on sale now
through School Tool Box! You can order your child’s school supplies at between now and June 23rd to have it delivered to the school.
Check the Flash for more information!
Thursday and Friday will be early dismissal days for spring
conferences. The kids will be dismissed at noon. We will have a
“lunch” break from 9:30-10:00 each day. Sack lunches will be available,
or you may send a heavy snack from home.
Friday, April 21st is Field Day. Kindergarten
classes will be wearing lime green shirts. Visit the link below if you
wish to order a shirt. The last day to order is Wednesday, April 5th!
Permission forms for our trip to MMS to see Beauty and the
Beast will be in your child's blue folder today. Please fill out BOTH sides of the
form and return to school before the end of the week.
Theme: Plants and Insects
Reading: The week will begin with a wrap up of
plants, then we will begin a study of insects. Shared reading will
introduce us to characteristics of all insects, and then we’ll read about and
compare a variety of insects.
Writing: We continue non-fiction
writing on topics such as insects, animals, and spring.
REVIEW ALL WORDS: red, green,
yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to, like, can,
see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at, little,
for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with, will,
have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that, out, down
Word Study: We will finish up our
work with digraphs sh, ch, th, and wh.
Math: This week, we’ll explore three
dimensional figures. We’ll discuss the attributes of cubes, spheres,
cylinders, cones, and prisms. Our vocabulary this week will include all
the solid shape names and introduce face, edge, and corners. We will be
shape detectives as we look for solid shapes all around us.
Science: As we continue to study living things,
we will look at ways animal adaptations help them survive in their
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
- Monday: Pick 5 words sight words and write a sentence
for each one. Did you use a capital letter at the beginning and a
punctuation mark at the end?
- Tuesday: Look for 3 animals with different body
coverings. Draw a picture and label each one.
- Wednesday: Make a list of sphere and cubes you can
find in your house. Try to find 5 of each.
- Thursday: Write a math story using two numbers that can
be combined to make 10. Write the math sentence that goes along with your
story. (Ex: Seven ladybugs were crawling on a leaf. Three more
ladybugs landed on the leaf. How many ladybugs were there in all? 7
+ 3 = 10)
- Friday: Pack up your library books and
practice your home reader!
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Kindergarten Lock In
Thanks so much to all of you who bought the party for your kiddos. We has a great time. Here are a few pics.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Plant Parts
Today we tasted all the parts of a plant and then wrote about it. Ask them what their favorite part was. We had sunflower seeds, broccoli, celery, spinach and carrots.
Kindergarten News
Week of March 27- March
31, 2017
School Supplies for the 2017-2018 school year are on sale now
through School Tool Box! You can order your child’s school supplies at between now and
June 23rd to have it delivered to the school. Check the Flash for more
Tuesday March 28th
and Wednesday March 29th are BIG testing days at RCE- children in
upper grades will be taking the STAAR test.
During these days, the office is requesting no visitors come to campus. Please do not deliver lunch/eat with your
child those days. If you are scheduled
to volunteer in your child’s classroom, you do not need to come!
Our new field day is April
21st. Kindergarten will be
rocking lime green shirts. Here is the
link to the shirt order form if you wish to order. Shirts will be delivered the week of field
As the weather heats up,
we go back to warm weather clothes.
Please be sure to check the length of shorts and skirts; fingertips
should not touch skin when arms are at the kids’ sides. Spaghetti straps and backless tops are cute,
but not really appropriate for school.
Also, be sure there is always a light jacket or sweater in the backpack.
Even when it is warm outside, the classrooms can be chilly!
On Tuesday, April 11th
kindergarten will go to MMS to see their production of Beauty and the
Beast. Unfortunately, space does not
allow us to bring parent chaperones along.
Look for permission forms to come home soon!
Theme: Plants and their Needs
Reading: We continue our shared reading and
interactive read-alouds about plants and their needs, with focus on the
elements of non-fiction writing.
Writing: Non fiction writing on topics such as plants and spring.
green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, pink, brown, black, my, is, to,
like, can, see, go, the, in, it, all, me, and, big, has, on, we, but, look, at,
little, for, he, said, was, not, she, this, come, you, are, get, some, with,
will, have, went, saw, so, make, up, what, that
New Words: out, down
Word Study: Digraphs
Math: We
continue to work on combinations up to 10, problem solving, 100’s chart, and
Science: Living Things/ Plants integrated with Language
Social Studies: Economics
Homework: Read 20 minutes every
Optional Activities:
- Monday:
Pick 5 words sight words and write them using rainbow letters
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday:
Write a list of what plants need to grow.
- Thursday:
Write a math story using two numbers that can be combined to make eight.
(Ex: There are 4 caterpillars in the garden. 4 more came along. How many
are there now?
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Tops and Bottoms
Yesterday we read the book Tops and Bottoms and discussed the parts of vegetables that we eat. We sorted them by roots, leaves, stems and flowers. After that we did a crayon resist picture using crayons and watercolor. We finished them today.
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