Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wonderful Writers

I am so proud of what awesome writers your children are becoming.  They have all improved so much in the last few months with their spacing, handwriting, and details.  It is so amazing to see the growth.  Here are few pics of some pages from some books...they will be bringing them home soon.
This a nonfiction about plants...what a great table of contents and life cycle.

This friend's handwriting has improved so much and I love the detail in the illustration.

This one is about bullies and it is so cute.  Love the speech bubbles!

Look at these amazing Star Wars characters!

This one has been adding many more details in her writing.

This is an amazing nonfiction about cumulonimbus clouds.  


Kindergarten News
Week of April 27 – May 1, 2015
Things to Know:
Friday, May 1st is Field Day.  Kindergarten has field day from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. All parents are welcome to join us!  Send your child in tennis shoes.  Apply sunscreen and insect repellant at home.  Don’t forget your child will need a lunch and a drink from home.
Graduation is May 29th at 9 a.m.
Order next year’s school supplies!  Visit
Register for Run for the Arts!
Theme: Complete our study of plants and insects
Reading:  Shared reading and Interactive read-alouds about Insects, focus on characteristics of non-fiction books, comparison with fiction.
Writing:  Writers Workshop!  We continue to write in book format – both fiction and non-fiction books. This week we are working on using what we know about Insects to create some bug books!
Word Wall Words:  Review all word wall words for the year! REVIEW: the, in, you, me, an, there, was, do, a, is, to, can, said, when, we love, it, and, see, like, on, for, very, dear, he, she, at, that, of, are, all, your, little, red, green, blue, yellow, black, brown, orange, purple, pink, white
Word Family:  Review of Digraphs- SH,TH,CH.  Study WH
Math: addition and subtraction, odd/even, counting on from a given number using a visual, such as dots, ten frames, number lines and exploring the concept of doubles (2+2=4, 3+3=6, 5+5=10, etc.)
Science:   Insects!  The sun, the moon, and me!
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
·       Monday:  Write 5 sentencescan you use SH/TH/CH/WH in some of your words? 
·       Tuesday:  Draw the life cycle of a butterfly or a ladybug.
  • Wednesday:  Make a list of 10 things you would like to have.  Decide which are needs and which are wants.
  • Thursday:  Visit
  • Friday: Read your Home Reader Book at least 2 times. Bring your library books back on Monday.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Butterfly Life Cycle

We read a book about the life cycle of the caterpillar, then we made the life cycle on a paper plate.  At snack time I surprised the class with a life cycle snack, and then we graphed which part of the snack they liked best.  The caterpillars (sour gummy worms) were the most liked!  

Mini marshmallow, gummy worm, mini tootsie roll and butterfly cracker. 

Monday, April 20, 2015


Kindergarten News
Week of April 20- April 24, 2015
Please remember that students in upper grades are testing on today, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please do not come to eat lunch with your child or to volunteer in the classroom on either day.  We appreciate your cooperation!
Yard Stake orders are due WEDNESDAY
Buy School Supplies for NEXT year
Field Day is May 1st
Graduation is May 29th
Theme: Insects!
Reading:  Shared reading and interactive read-alouds about insects.
Writing:  Using insects to write both fiction and non-fiction.
Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: the, a, in, you, it, on, is, orange, can, green, yellow, like, brown, at, she, said, my, an, of, me, red, blue, to purple, and, see, pink, he, black, white, there, are, was, for, we, all, dear, love, your, very, do, little, make, first, all, him, her
Word Study: SH digraph 
Math: Review combining all sets of 2 numbers that combine to make 7, 8, 9, and 10, as well as
problem solving strategies. We will introduce subtraction using manipulatives.
Science: Weather, Sun/Moon, and Insects
Social StudiesNeeds vs. Wants
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Write 3 sentences using word wall words.
  • Tuesday:  Visit
  • Wednesday:   Teach your mom or dad how to play guess my number with 5 pieces of cerealtry 6, then 7, then 8, and so on!
  • Thursday:  Use your home reader to practice “retelling” the plot and characters of a book.
  • Friday:  Pack up your library books and practice your home reader!  

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hard at work at some of our new workstations.

Our Butterfly Hatched!

We have some chrysalis in our room and on Monday we came in to a big surprise.  One of ours had hatched!! We took it outside and watched it fly away.  We are waiting on our other 3 to hatch as well. 


Kindergarten News
Week of April 13- April 17, 2015
Thank you so much for class donations…we have planted our seeds!!
Information came home today via email regarding RCE yard stakes.  If you want one, print the order form and attach payment.  Orders are due next week on WEDNESDAY.   
It is time to order next year’s school supplies.  The cost for first grade supplies has been adjusted.  Remember you are ordering first grade supplies, not Kindergarten.  Let us know if you have questions/need help!
THIS Friday is our field trip to MMS to see The Little Mermaid.  Thank you for completing the forms and sending payment.  We will leave at 9:30 a.m.  If you are joining us, be at MMS at 9:45.  Stay in your cars until you see us unload the busses.  After we unload the busses, join our group, as MMS moms will be there to greet us.  Also please send your child in a RCE shirt and with a sack lunch.  The lunch needs to be in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name.  Do not forget the drink!   After the play, we will picnic at Bendwood Park.  If weather doesn’t allow for this, we will picnic back at RCE.  Keep your fingers crossed.
Looking ahead to NEXT week…..on Monday, April 20th, Tuesday, April 21st and Wednesday, April 22nd, upper grades will be STARR testing.  Our lunch schedule could be different.  Also, that is a day we can’t have visitors/volunteers on campus.  Thank you for understanding our need for a quiet atmosphere at RCE those days.
Date Changes: 
Field Day is now May 1st!
Kindergarten Graduation is now May 29th at 9:00 a.m. in the cafeteria.    
Theme: Finish Plants and Begin Insects
Reading:  Shared reading and interactive read-alouds about plants and their needs, with focus on the elements of non-fiction writing.
Writing:  Using plants and insects to write both fiction and non-fiction.
Word Wall Words:  REVIEW: the, a, in, you, it, on, is, orange, can, green, yellow, like, brown, at, she, said, my, an, of, me, red, blue, to purple, and, see, pink, he, black, white, there, are, was, for, we, all, dear, love, your, very, do, little, make, first, all, him, her
Word Study: TH Digraph
Math: one more/one less, review combining all sets of 2 numbers that combine to make 7, 8, 9, and 10, ordering numbers on a number line
Science: Clouds and Their Role in our World, Parts of an Insect
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday: Practice writing the word wall words as mom or dad calls them out to you.
  • Tuesday:  Make a list of 10 “TH” words.
  • Wednesday:   Get 15 pieces of junk.  Teach your mom or dad to play Take 1 or 2.  If you can’t remember, take turns taking 1 or 2.  The last person to take 1 or 2 is the winner.  What was your strategy?
  • Thursday:  Use your home reader to practice “retelling” the plot and characters of a book.

  • Friday:  Pack up your library books and practice your home reader!  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

More or Less

We did some word problems together on the activ board using  Then everyone went back and tried to write their own,  We focused on more, less or equal to.  

Tomorrow we are going to trade and solve each other's word problems.  

Kindergarten Graduation

Save the Date!!
Kindergarten Graduation is May 29th 
9 a.m.
details coming soon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Kindergarten News
Week of April 6-10, 2015
Thank you for returning the permission slips and 5.00 for our upcoming field trip.  If you haven’t sent your permission slip or money to school, please do so ASAP.  If you are joining us, it is an additional 5.00.  We will also need a completed chaperone form for you.   We are thrilled to be visiting Memorial Middle School on Friday, April 17th to see The Little Mermaid!  We will leave at 9:30 to see the show.  Afterwards, we will picnic at Bendwood Park. 
Due to numerous calendar conflicts, Kindergarten graduation will be Friday, May 29th at 9:00.  This is a change from what is listed in the school directory. 
Our new field day is May 1st! Details to come.............
Last week we said send light jackets for backpacks, and now it is time for water bottles on the playground.  We have gone from chilly to toasty in one week!
Theme: Continuing with…Plants and their Needs
Reading:  Shared reading and interactive read-alouds about plants and their needs, with focus on the elements of non-fiction writing.
Writing:  Plants, Spring, and Weather 
Word Wall Words: 
REVIEW: red, blue, black, green, yellow, pink, purple, white, orange, a, it, she is, and, on , love, me, to the, for, him, we, go in, are, an, but, see, there, if, her, said, like, you, dear, was, into, he, can, do, of, has, what, little, all, very, first, your
NEW WORDS:  There are NO more new words.  Please take the next few weeks to review the above words!
Word Study:  CH digraph
Math: ways to make combinations up to 10, review coins, and working with more/less
Science: Weather!
Homework: Read 20 minutes every night.
Optional Activities:
  • Monday:  Pick 5 words from our word wall and write them using dot letters
  • Tuesday:  Make a list of 10 “CH” words. (ex:  much)
  • Wednesday:   Go outside and look at the clouds.  Draw what you see.
  • Thursday:  Grab a handful of socks and a handful of small toys.  Which pile has more?  Less?  How many more/less?
  • Friday:  Pack up your library books and practice your home reader!